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A Harmonious Fusion of Culinary Arts and Culture: Cheng Shiu University Faculty and Students Give Back to Their Ancestral Homeland, Sharing Paiwan Desserts to Convey Love




When Cheng Shiu University and the Indigenous Resources Center visited Qingye Elementary School in Pingtung, they not only delivered educational inspiration but also offered a unique world-class culinary experience.

During the event, Chef Hsieh Ren-Zong, the world champion of the IKA Olympic Culinary Competition, crafted Paiwan-style desserts featuring red quinoa, millet, and cocoa.

These desserts brought sweet surprises to the children and raised funds for the school through a charity sale. Additionally, the Zhishan Merit Society contributed NT$30,000 through the Dream Realization Project, showcasing the university’s commitment to social responsibility.

Cheng Shiu University’s “Indigenous Dreams Project” is now in its second year, encouraging indigenous students to engage in charitable initiatives and spreading love and cultural heritage throughout society.

The event was led by Yu, a student from the PAKELANG Indigenous Youth Club, who applied lessons from the tribal revitalization course by returning to the Sandimen Tribe, reconnecting with their roots, and building stronger cultural bridges.

Additionally, Cheng Shiu University's Youth Volunteer Service Group and the Education Foundation collaborated in the event, inviting Chef Hsieh Ren-Zong and Chef Lü Jun-Nan, who both earned gold medals at the 2024 IKA Olympic Culinary Competition, to mentor students in making handmade cookies and egg rolls using locally sourced ingredients. Through this, they shared love and unity through food with students and community members alike.

Yu and the team not only spent valuable time with the children at Qingye Elementary but also carried forward the core values of cultural preservation through the shared experience of creating and enjoying food.

Their actions reflect the deep sense of connection and responsibility Cheng Shiu University students have toward their communities and society at large.

Through the “Dream Realization Project,” Cheng Shiu University faculty and staff demonstrated their selfless commitment to giving back to society.

Director Lin Shu-Yun of the Indigenous Resources Center emphasized that this cross-cultural integration helped students not only gain confidence but also learn how to give back to society through meaningful actions. This is a key achievement of Cheng Shiu University’s educational mission.


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