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Cultural Arts and Heritage Restoration



Vision and Goals for Arts and Culture Promotion  

The university established its "Art Center" in 2000 as a dedicated unit for promoting cultural and artistic education on campus. In 2013, this was upgraded to the "Office of Arts and Culture." This office is responsible for planning and implementing the promotion of art education within the university and actively fostering artistic and cultural exchanges with other universities and the broader public. Each year, the office aims to organize 4-6 visual art exhibitions, 6 performing arts events, 6 lectures on visual or life arts, 2 creative activities, and 2 competitions, offering students a broad array of artistic experiences.


Vision of the Office of Arts and Culture 

  Vision of the Office of Arts and Culture


Art Exhibitions and Volunteer Participation by Students and the Community  

Each semester, the university’s Office of Arts and Culture organizes various art and cultural activities, with students actively participating as volunteers. These students take on roles such as assisting with the photography, production, and publication of video albums featuring artists, or serving as art ambassadors who provide guided tours and explanations during events. The goal is to offer students a deeper cultural experience and enhance their appreciation of the arts through hands-on involvement. In 2023, the office hosted a total of 35 art exchange and cultural preservation activities, attracting 14,051 participants, including faculty, students, and members of the public.


Participation in Art and Cultural Activities 

Activity Type


Number of Events

Off-Campus Participants

On-Campus Participants









Performing Arts




Creative Activities








Highlights of Cultural and Artistic Initiatives



30-30 Taiwan and Mexico International Print Exhibition 

In 2023, the Office of Arts and Culture, in collaboration with the Sinaloa Cultural Bureau of Mexico, co-organized the "30-30 Taiwan and Mexico International Print Exhibition." This exhibition featured artists from both Taiwan and Mexico, each contributing two print works. The exhibition was held simultaneously in Taiwan and Mexico, aiming to highlight the cultural similarities and differences through the medium of printmaking. Participants had the opportunity to deepen their understanding of printmaking techniques and explore the diversity of print styles through curated tours, thereby enhancing their artistic appreciation. This initiative not only enriched the cultural literacy of the university’s faculty and students but also expanded their perspectives on printmaking, successfully achieving the broader objective of fostering international artistic exchange.


Human Phases: Chen Shuicai Solo Exhibition 

Chen Shuicai, a distinguished artist in Taiwan's art community, holds a significant role, especially for his contributions to the modern art movement in Kaohsiung. In recognition of his influence, he received the "Kaohsiung City Arts and Culture Award" in 2010, establishing him as a leading figure in modern painting. To provide the university’s faculty and students with an opportunity to engage deeply with modern art, Mr. Chen Shuicai was invited to showcase his remarkable works, spanning from his early career to 2023. The exhibition includes a series of educational activities, such as audiovisual recordings of the artist, guided tours, direct appreciation of the artworks, and special lectures. These activities not only trace the development of modern art in Taiwan and the artist's creative evolution but also aim to enrich the humanities education and enhance the cultural and artistic literacy of both faculty and students.







 Lecture Activities                                              

Contemporary Perspectives on Printmaking Art  
This special lecture, centered on the curatorial experience and content of the "30-30 Taiwan and Mexico International Print Exhibition," provides faculty and students with an in-depth exploration of contemporary trends in printmaking. The lecture aims to enhance their understanding and appreciation of art, thereby enriching their education in the arts.

Exploring the Concept of the Artistic Body: A Case Study of Chen Shuicai's 'Human Phases' Solo Exhibition  
This lecture delves into the development of the artist Chen Shuicai and his creative journey, examining it in the context of the evolution of contemporary art in Kaohsiung. It guides faculty and students to not only understand the artist’s style and work but also to appreciate the historical and cultural background of Kaohsiung’s contemporary art scene, ultimately deepening their sensitivity to the humanistic environment.





 Creative Activities                                              

Plant-Inspired Living: Weaving Hanging Baskets and Creating Moss Balls  
This hands-on activity offers faculty and students the chance to explore various creative techniques, familiarizing them with a wide range of artistic methods. The goal is to cultivate diverse skills, enrich their educational experience, and stimulate both creativity and innovative thinking, allowing participants to experience comprehensive growth and inspiration through a variety of creative activities.


"Easy and Fun: Fluid Art Creation" Workshop  
This stress-relieving and magical creative experience was met with overwhelming enthusiasm on campus, with registration spots filling up instantly. No prior artistic experience was needed—everyone could become an artist and take home their finished artwork to brighten up their living spaces.





 Performing Arts                                              

MICappella’s "Spring Sing 2023" Concert from Singapore  
Singapore’s premier vocal group, MICappella, captivated the audience with their performance, showcasing the latest trends in international vocal music. Their renditions of classic Chinese songs evoked nostalgia among the audience, while their dynamic stage presence and powerful performances of jazz and pop classics left the crowd in awe.


Neoclassical Chamber Music: "Music Circus Theater - Bonka's Colorful Skirt"  
The Neoclassical Chamber Ensemble collaborated with Eye Catching Circus to present an innovative music circus theater production. This unique show combined the chamber ensemble’s talent for musical storytelling with Eye Catching Circus's breathtaking circus skills. The powerful musical arrangements accompanying the acrobatic feats amplified the dramatic effect, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.


Dance Forum Taipei X Tetsuomi Shima’s "Toward the Moon"  
This collaboration between Dance Forum Taipei and Tetsuomi Shima offers audiences in Taiwan the chance to once again experience his dynamic and powerful choreography, filled with boundless energy. Tetsuomi Shima’s distinctive style of choreography allows viewers to immerse themselves in a thrilling sensory experience, combining precise, fluid, and intricate movements that are both visually and emotionally engaging.


Howl Rehearsal’s "Silent Servant Turned Talk Show"  
Howl Rehearsal is known for its innovative approach to theater, blending traditional dramatic forms with the popular talk show format. This method brings the performance closer to the audience, making it more accessible and enjoyable. The production serves as an ideal entry point for those new to artistic performances, with scripts crafted to connect with the audience through original and relatable comedic works.


Nanyi Music Ensemble’s "White Love Salon Concert"
Led by Lin Huan-ling, the Nanyi Music Ensemble features students who excelled in the 2023 music performance competition. After rigorous professional training, these students performed alongside experienced ensemble musicians. The intimate concert setting not only allowed for the enjoyment of beautiful music but also created a space for attendees to share their musical experiences with fellow enthusiasts, enhancing the sense of community and broadening participation in musical events.



5-2 啞侍改成脫口秀


 360° Online Virtual Art Exhibition                                    

Since 2019, the Office of Arts and Culture has actively promoted the "360° Online Virtual Art Exhibition." This initiative not only overcomes the limitations of physical space in art education but also broadens access to art by making collections and exhibition resources available on public webpages. By facilitating greater public access and enabling shared learning experiences, the initiative effectively promotes art education to a wider audience, fulfilling the mission of expanding cultural outreach.


5-2 藝術中心 360度虛擬展



Focus on Cultural Heritage Restoration and Conservation

The university’s "Cultural Heritage Restoration Research Center" houses specialized laboratories for the restoration and conservation of diverse materials, including oil paintings, paper, wood, and artifacts. The center incorporates scientific research methods, advanced testing techniques, and cutting-edge technology into its restoration processes. At the end of 2023, the center relocated to the Neiwei Art Center in Kaohsiung, where the team remains committed to preserving and enhancing the value of public cultural heritage.


Cultural Heritage Restoration Research Center


5-2 油畫文物修復室



5-2 文物修護中心mczh-tw9


Neiwei Restoration Center

5-2 內惟修護中心





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