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Campus Ecology and Environmental Preservation



Campus Ecological Environment 

Cheng Shiu University’s campus covers approximately 9.75 hectares and is located near Chengqing Lake Scenic Area and Niaosong Wetland Park. The surrounding area is planted with various native Taiwanese tree species and plants that attract butterflies and birds, creating a diverse ecological environment that provides water and habitat for various bird species. According to the species grid distribution map from the Taiwan Biodiversity Network (purple areas), deeper colors indicate higher species richness and biodiversity.


Collaborating with the Wild Bird Society to Promote Niaosong Wetland Ecological Conservation  

For many years, Professor Hao-Hsien Chang from our university has collaborated with the Kaohsiung Wild Bird Society in protecting the endangered oriole (a rare, second-level protected bird species) in Kaohsiung City. Through ecological conservation education and vegetation maintenance, the project has helped create a habitat for orioles in Niaosong Wetland Park, enhancing the wetland's environmental conservation and ecological restoration. In 2023, Cheng Shiu University reached a cooperation agreement with the Kaohsiung Wild Bird Society and Kaohsiung City’s Shangen Agricultural Cooperative. The initiative focuses on establishing habitat corridors using green and wetland corridors as main tools to promote environmental conservation and ecological restoration in Niaosong Wetland.


https://b036.csu.edu.tw/var/file/96/1096/img/134/315704559.jpg https://b036.csu.edu.tw/var/file/96/1096/img/134/726497403.jpg https://b036.csu.edu.tw/var/file/96/1096/img/207013249.jpg


Campus Tree Species Survey 

At the end of 2023, our university initiated a campus tree species survey. The campus hosts native Taiwanese tree species such as banyan, Lanyu podocarpus, terminalia, Phyllanthus acidus, Diospyros, camphor, Ficus benjamina, palm, chinaberry, Taiwan golden-rain tree, Chinese pistache, and orange jasmine. Additionally, the campus features various common large and small trees, fruit trees, and ornamental shrubs, such as the Indian rubber tree, small-leaved terminalia, large-leaved mahogany, Oleander, Juniper, royal palm, star apple (milk fruit), cacao tree, pink trumpet tree, orchid tree (Indian cherry), Talipariti tiliaceum, screw pine, and Osmanthus fragrans.

In 2024, the university plans to integrate this effort with ecology-related courses, guiding students in conducting tree species and ecological surveys on campus. Students will record tree height, diameter at breast height (DBH), and volume, building a campus tree database to assess the basic carbon sequestration capacity of trees and assist in developing campus carbon reduction strategies.





Campus Guard Dogs and Volunteer Team 

Originally stray dogs on campus, these dogs have come to see Cheng Shiu University as their "home" and often accompany security guards on campus patrols. While cautious around humans, they have never exhibited aggressive behavior. In 2013, with support from the Kaohsiung City Animal Protection Office, the university joined the Campus Friendly Animal Program, adopting the stray dogs and managing them to become friendly "campus guard dogs." This initiative has reduced the entry of stray dogs from outside the campus and lowered the occurrence of chasing and attacks, enhancing campus safety. In 2014, the university recruited students to form a guard dog volunteer team, organizing awareness campaigns that highlighted the importance of life education and fostered the territorial instincts of the guard dogs. By 2023, all seven of the university's guard dogs had been vaccinated against rabies and had undergone neutering procedures.





Campus Greening and Beautification 

The campus environment is primarily managed and maintained by the Maintenance Division of the General Affairs Office, which is responsible for routine tasks such as pruning and watering plants, ensuring the sustainability of the campus landscape. For landscape ecology, regular monitoring is conducted, and preventive treatments are applied during the peak seasons of brown root rot in spring and autumn to prevent tree infections and mitigate the risk of tree collapse during typhoon season. To prevent the invasion of red imported fire ants, which could disrupt the ecosystem, regular monitoring and baiting are also carried out.

Additionally, according to the "Kaohsiung City Implementation Rules for Urban Planning Law," the building coverage ratio for university land is set at 40%. The legally required open space on our campus is 39,000 square meters, with a campus green coverage rate of 40% and a permeability rate of 42%.


Campus Greening Area  

Academic Year




Total Campus Area (㎡)




Total Campus Green Coverage Are (㎡)




Non-Green Permeable Area on Campus (㎡)




Total Building Floor Area (㎡)




Grass Coverage Area on Campus (㎡)




Campus Green Coverage Rate(%)




Campus Permeability Rate(%)




Note 1: Green Carbon Sequestration Equivalent (tons CO2e/year) = Planted Area (㎡) × Carbon Sequestration Equivalent per Plant / 1000.
Note 2: Calculation formula for campus green coverage rate: Tree canopy and grass coverage area / (total campus area - area of buildings with usage permits) × 100%. Tree canopy coverage is calculated using a diameter of 10 meters for trees with a trunk diameter over 20 cm, and 5 meters for trees with a trunk diameter under 20 cm. Grass and tree canopy coverage should not be double-counted.
Note 3: Calculation formula for campus permeability rate: Permeable area of the campus / total campus area × 100%. Apart from building areas and basketball courts, all other areas, including interlocking bricks, grassland, bare ground, ceramic tiles, tree growth areas, and all permeable facilities or bases, are considered permeable surfaces. 1 hectare = 10,000 square meters.


Campus Air Quality 

According to the Ministry of Environment’s classification of air pollution control areas, the region where Cheng Shiu University is located is categorized as a Class 3 control area for particulate matter (PM10), fine particulate matter (PM2.5), and 8-hour ozone concentration (O3-8hr). It is classified as a Class 2 control area for ozone concentration (O3-HR), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and carbon monoxide (CO).

To protect the health of faculty and students and ensure good air quality on and around campus, the Environmental Safety Division of the General Affairs Office plans and conducts indoor air quality measurements and regular reporting. Air quality monitoring is conducted in May and December each year. The university library is equipped with an [Indoor Physical Environment Management System], which automatically activates the air conditioning ventilation system when indoor carbon dioxide levels reach 950 ppm, balancing air quality with energy savings. The university has appointed a "Dedicated Indoor Air Quality Maintenance Manager" and regularly conducts testing and online reporting as required. From 2020 to 2023, all test results met regulatory standards, and in 2023, the university received the "Excellent Level" certification for indoor air quality self-management.


2023 Campus Air Quality Testing Results 

Test Item

Campus Air Quality Test Results

First Test

Second Test






















▲ Indoor Air Quality Monitoring System


▲ Excellent Level



Use of Green Building Materials  

In line with the "Green Building Label Certification Standards," the university is committed to initiatives that promote biodiversity, maintain green spaces, implement water retention designs, achieve daily energy savings, reduce carbon dioxide emissions, minimize waste, enhance indoor and outdoor environments, conserve water resources, manage wastewater and garbage effectively, and establish designated waste collection areas. Additionally, new campus buildings are constructed with materials that meet green building standards, and their designs incorporate green building elements.


The "Creative Living Building," completed in 2014, integrates green building design and accessibility features. The building's windows are made of transparent tempered glass, and the corridor railings are semi-open, ensuring safety while providing an unobstructed view for wheelchair users, fostering a friendly campus environment. The building received the "Kaohsiung City Barrier-Free Friendly Environment Excellence Award."




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