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Continuing Education

Continuing Education Center Services

The CSU Continuing Education Center relies on a diversified management strategy and harnesses community resources to offer distinctive niche courses and develop diversified curricula with the goal of satisfying public needs and raising the competitiveness of continuing education courses. The Center is actively committed to providing training courses to employees of strategic alliance enterprises. It makes the most effective use of university resources to build a high-quality learning environment and strives to step up promotion of course offerings with the goal of accentuating the professional skills of each department. For more details about the Dual System of Vocational Training Project and the Industry-Academia Collaboration Program, please refer to 3-4 Industry-academia collaboration and patents.



Credit Programs (Undergraduate/Graduate Level)

Pursuant to the regulations of the Ministry of Education, recruitment quotas for each continuing education credit program must be planned carefully based on considerations such as instructor qualifications, curriculums, and teaching quality. The main recruitment target of undergraduate and graduate credit programs offered by the Continuing Education Center based on the current educational system are non-university members who sign up for and attend specialized courses to meet work requirements, acquire professional certificates, or enhance their self-learning abilities.



In-Service Training Courses/ Courses for the Unemployed

Our professional training courses for the unemployed mostly focus on the training of childcare providers as commissioned by Kaohsiung City Government. In addition, we have launched a Local Street Food Course in the context of the Industrial Talent Investment Program. Furthermore, we have been commissioned by the Public Construction Commission to offer engineering practitioners retraining courses on quality management and educational training and by the Construction and Planning Agency to organize training and retraining courses for work-site directors. An average of 419 trainees attend such courses (an average of 10) every academic year. An average of 870 trainees attend in-service courses (an average of 23) every academic year.



Lifelong Learning Courses for Communities

  Course offerings of “Citizen Academy” cover the fields of community leisure and art & culture promotion such as music and art appreciation courses, community drawing, calligraphy, and body performance. A statistical analysis of the number of participants in these courses for the period from academic year 2020 to 2021 showed a gradually decreasing tendency, which could mainly be attributed to the fact that units in neighboring communities offer similar courses. We therefore actively develop diversified courses combined with community resources to satisfy the needs of community residents and the learning needs of the general public.


Tutorial Classes for Skills Certification

  With a view to assisting members of society in acquiring professional technical skills and licenses, we organize tutorial classes for skills certification for the public. In the period from the academic year 2019 to 2021, we offered a total of six courses – Culinary Technician Level C, Solar Photovoltaic Installer Level B, and WSET (Wine & Spirit Education Trust), which were attended by 138 individuals.


In-Service Continuing Education Program for Migrant Workers

  In line with relevant government policies, we offer admission channels for special in-service programs designed for migrant workers through our Technical College Continuing Education Division. Courses are planned in accordance with the technical requirements of enterprises to assist them in retaining migrant workers with professional technical skills, thereby minimizing the impact of manpower shortages and reducing costs arising from repeated talent development. Mandarin courses are scheduled in the context of this program and participants are required to pass TOCFL (Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language) Level 2. Specialized courses covering practical industrial operations, management, and professional technical skills of each department are planned in line with the technical requirements and professionalism of each enterprise with the ultimate goal of assisting qualified migrant workers in adapting to Taiwanese culture, integrating into local society, and satisfying the demands of enterprises such as technical manpower and sustained development.


ESG Talent Cultivation Program Jointly Organized by CSU and Taiwan Stock Exchange

With a view to providing a solution for the problem of the shortage of sustainable professionals, Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation (TWSE) organized ESG Talent Cultivation Programs at TSAA (Taiwan Sustainability Action Award)-winning universities in northern, central, and southern Taiwan in cooperation with Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE) in 2022. CSU was proudly selected as the site in southern Taiwan. We were therefore invited to organize a series of training course for Climate Action administrators at TPEx/TWSE-listed companies in collaboration with TWSE to assist the central government in the realization of net-zero emissions. In addition, we have signed a University Sustainable Development Proposal with TAISE with the goal of transforming the university into an incubator for sustainable professionals to facilitate the cultivation of professionals that meets industry needs and is capable of taking a leading role in industry advancement.



Military Base Education Center – Continuing Education for Active Duty Military Personnel

In line with the Recruitment Regulations of In-service Programs for Active Duty Military Personnel at Military Bases, we offer in-service programs for such personnel with a view to providing a channel for continuing education to officers and enlisted soldiers alike. Furthermore, we have established a Military Base Education Center, which is independently responsible for academic, students, and general affairs associated with student recruitment. This center is the only of its kind in Taiwan.
In academic year 2021, we offered 47 military base programs, which accounted for 25% of all such programs in Taiwan. The goal is to provide a wide range of choices for active duty military personnel. With a view to providing such students with the best possible educational environment, we invested in the establishment of regular classrooms and computer classrooms and offered transportation and accommodation subsidies to faculty members who were willing to provide teaching services at military bases to ensure students could fully concentrate on their academic studies. In addition, we persisted in our efforts to develop new teaching sites to foster the skills and expertise of our students. We are steadfastly committed to providing our students with the best possible learning environment, thereby enabling active duty military personnel to fully unlock their potential.


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