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Cross-Screen Connections: A Joyful Gathering of Digital Learning Partners and the Seamless Integration of Technology and Art




In today’s digital age, ubiquitous virtual connections abound, but face-to-face interaction remains irreplaceable.

This is why Cheng Shiu University hosts the "Digital Learning Partners Reunion" every year. Despite limited resources, the university is committed to providing students the opportunity to meet in person, sharing their learning journeys and personal experiences.

This year’s theme brought forth an interdisciplinary showcase of "Technology x Art."

The event was set against the backdrop of "Huang Xin-Jian’s Metaverse Theater," an exhibition at the university's Art Gallery.

The younger participants not only learned to appreciate art but also, through VR devices, immersed themselves in the artist's virtual world, gaining firsthand experience of the deep philosophical insights behind the creations.

For the younger students, a special tour was arranged at the university’s internationally renowned Asian Cultural Heritage Restoration Research Center.

Here, participants learned the basics of artifact restoration and engaged in hands-on activities, discovering how to preserve these invaluable cultural treasures.

In the afternoon, the group visited one of Kaohsiung’s architectural landmarks—the National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying).

Guided by three enthusiastic docents, they explored the unique design features of each performance hall.

Each part of the tour heightened their anticipation for future concerts and theater performances.

Cheng Shiu University not only excels in the engineering disciplines but also stands out in nurturing the humanities and arts, fostering a warm and welcoming campus culture.

A heartfelt thanks to all the teachers and students who participated, making the day rich with inspiration and warmth. Special recognition goes to Teacher Shih Sung-Chun, whose support and connections made the event a resounding success.

Everyone left the event with a deeper understanding and a lasting emotional impact, proving that in a digital world, face-to-face connections remain as valuable as ever.



跨越螢幕的連結:數位學伴相見歡,科技與藝術的完美交融 跨越螢幕的連結:數位學伴相見歡,科技與藝術的完美交融 跨越螢幕的連結:數位學伴相見歡,科技與藝術的完美交融




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